Monday 3 September 2012

Week Five!

Happy Labor Day!! 

Today has been spent not at work, but brunching in Ravenswood, riding the El around Chicago and swimming in the lake! It was supposed to rain this weekend but, luckily, we managed to avoid it! I have very much enjoyed my first long weekend in Chicago, complete with an early finish at work on Friday and a holiday weekend BBQ. I am totally refreshed and happy to get back to work tomorrow! 

I have to tell you about my visit to Cook County jail last week with work. Cook County is the biggest jail in the US and houses around 10,000 prisoners. It once housed Al-Capone! Now, I have seen prisons on TV and I knew pretty much what to expect, but nothing can really prepare you for stepping foot in one for the first time. We were given a tour of the different departments and talked through the processes that take place when prisoners arrive. We met with sheriffs and guards and spoke a little about the demographics of the prison and the protocols in place should foreign nationals be arrested. We saw real life prisoners, both male and female, and really got a feel for the crazy living conditions in US jails. Some prisoners are in their cells 23 hours a day. Even just spending a couple of hours there, it is amazing how quickly you become desensitised to the conditions. When I first arrived, I was pretty shocked, but you quickly adjust and accept that this is how the US justice system works. I am not convinced of its effectiveness, but the whole experience was still incredibly eye opening and to see it first hand was an amazing opportunity. Perhaps the first experience I have had in Chicago that I wouldn't jump at the chance to do again, but I am so glad I did it all the same!

Other than the County Cook visit, work-wise this past week has been the most relaxed so far. With the holiday weekend looming, I spent much of the week finishing off some reports, doing research ahead of a couple of visits, responding to emails and making calls. Even quieter weeks are still so insightful and interesting for me, as these are tasks and skills I can really take back to university with me and transfer to future roles. On Thursday we finished work at lunch time to celebrate UKTI surpassing their targets. We had a picnic and then spent the afternoon at the beach- it was awesome and so good to hang out with everyone from the office outside of work.

The best thing about a quiet week at work is you still have plenty of energy to explore Chicago at night! I have done some shopping, visited another roof bar, been to a couple of clubs, caught up with Alumni Buddies and generally had A LOT of fun. The night life here is actually pretty great and I am enjoying having the time to experience it properly! I guess I have been having too much fun to take many photos this week, sorry! I will be sure to snap away during my last week. 

So, 4 more days at work, 5 more days in Chicago! It has officially become my favourite city in the world and I will be incredibly sad to leave. For now, I will enjoy every last second of my last week and take lots of photos for my final blog post! 

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe it's gone so fast! Really enjoying reading about all your experiences xx
